Thankful in All

A few weeks ago, I posted on Facebook about our faulty hot water heater. We endured twelve days of cold showers. “Lord,” I said, “Are you preparing us for another short-term mission trip?” If so, my husband and youngest daughter passed. I cheated. I showered in cold water but washed my hair in the kitchen sink with water I heated on the stove.

My husband took a different approach. Instead of a mission trip, he looked at the situation as a blessing. Hubby insisted there were four benefits to not having hot water.

  • We saved money. Our shower time decreased. We wanted out of the frigid water as quickly as possible.

  • If we flushed the toilet while another family member was bathing, the water temperature in the shower did not fluctuate.

  • When we came out of the shower, a blast of cold air did not smack into our bodies because our bodies were already cold.

  • Most important, we learned to appreciate the blessing of hot water and not take it for granted.

I agree with his assessment. My shower time decreased by half, no obvious change in water temperature, and cool room air on a cold body wasn’t as noticeable as cool air on a warm body.

Not only is hot water a blessing, clean water is a gift. We rarely recognize how blessed we are until we go without something for a few days. Heating water on the stove was a minor inconvenience as we waited for parts to arrive but doable. I tried not to complain and stay thankful for water even if it was cold. Many people in developing countries would rejoice if they had clean water.

Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus (1 Thessalonians 5:18 NLT).

I’m thankful for hot, warm, and cold water. And I’m grateful I belong to Christ Jesus.

What are you thankful for today?