Proverbs 18:13


In last month’s post, I mentioned the word “imagine” as my potential focus word for 2024. I also shared that God had impressed another word upon my heart. As I’ve continued to pray regarding the other word “listen,” the more it stands out to me. I believe “listen” is the word the Lord wants me to prioritize this year.

According to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary, there are three definitions for the verb listen:

1.     to pay attention to sound (listen to music)

2.     to hear something with thoughtful attention: give consideration
(listen to a plea)

3.     to be alert to catch an expected sound (listen for his step)

I do fine with number one—especially now that I have hearing aids! But I need to work on numbers two and three.

Do I always listen to hear with thoughtful attention? Or am I concerned with how to respond. Maybe my mind is elsewhere, and I hear the speaker, but not well enough to fully grasp their words. To become more attentive and acknowledge others with the consideration they deserve, I need to focus on number two.

To answer before listening—that is folly and shame.
Proverbs 18:13, NIV

But my key priority is number three—to be alert to catch an expected sound. I love that! I want my spiritual ears to be open, to hear the Lord call my name and speak to my heart.

Not an unexpected sound, but an expected one. I expect to hear from the Lord through His Word, and to listen in my spirit to what He says to me personally and follow through in obedience.

Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves.
Do what it says.
James 1:22, NIV

To know the Lord better and draw closer to Him, I’ll ask Him to quiet my mind, listen for the Holy Spirit to speak to my heart, and seek to do His will.

You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
Jeremiah 29:13, NIV

This year, I also have a theme song: “I’m Listening” by Chris McClarney (link below).

I hope to not only give others my thoughtful attention but also to give my undivided attention to the Lord, immersing myself in His presence. To listen for His expected voice, and to pursue Him with my whole heart.

Blessings to you as you pursue Him in 2024!

Listen Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster

Check out Chris McClarney’s song on YouTube:

Photo by Abby Boggier—Unsplash