
From Anxiety to Peace

In my recent newsletter, I told the story of our older cat, Paka, and how she’d stopped eating. She had gone for several days without food. She would use her scratching post and groom herself, but she had no interest in her paté or kibble.

After a thorough examination and Xray, our vet, Doctor Amy, and I came to the same conclusion. Our new kitty, Tatertot, had caused Paka a lot of anxiety.

Paka has always been a little skittish. She was a rescue cat that lived with a man who didn’t like her. He wasn’t too fond of his former girlfriend either, who had left the cat with him when she moved out. I assume Paka stayed hidden from him because she hides whenever someone comes to our house. When it’s my husband, our youngest daughter, and me, she’s the perfect cat. But she doesn’t like change. And our new kitten brought a lot of that!

Although our vet took great care of her and got her back to her old self, Paka was not out of danger. Doctor Amy told me that the treatment she used with Paka would last for thirty days. She hoped Paka would bond with Tatertot by then, solving the problem. Today is day thirty-five. So far, so good. I am certain the two of them have formed a stronger connection.

On multiple occasions, I’ve discovered them sharing a bed, either theirs or ours, with their bodies close together. And twice, I’ve observed them as they groomed each other. So sweet! Brings a smile and praise to my lips.

During our times of stress and anxiety, our circumstances may become so overwhelming that we forget to pray or lack the energy to do so. Often, these situations take a severe toll on our bodies, hearts, and minds. But the Lord encourages us to turn to Him. He opens His arms and waits for us to run into them. To hold us. To comfort us. To pour out His unfailing love and peace upon us.

Two of my favorite verses are Philippians 4:6-7.

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. 

My hope for Paka is that she has found peace to deal with Tatertot and will continue to thrive. My hope for us is that we find peace in Christ whenever anxiety strikes. He desires us to come to Him in prayer, tell Him what we need, and thank Him for all He has done. He’s done much in my life. What about in yours? Please share below a recent blessing He’s poured out upon you.

My Needy Cat

My needy cat kneads me. She possesses a peculiar habit of lying in my lap, kneading her paws into my belly, and sucking on my fleece robe, often while purring. I found a website that explained possibilities for my rescue cat’s actions.

  • She’s claiming my robe and me as her territory.

  • Her behavior shows affection and contentment.

  • She’s seeking comfort as she did while a kitten nursing from her mother (found in cats that were taken from their mama too soon).

I’m happy she’s comfortable with me and wants to show me affection, but her quirky behavior can be annoying. She usually does this during my devotional time while I’m at my desk in the morning, and she expects me to coddle her as she snuggles. She relaxes so much that I must place my arm along her side, or she’ll slip off my lap. Have you ever tried to write in your journal while a cat rests on your writing arm?

After this lovable snuggling time, she leaves my lap and finds another place to lounge. When I wander past her, she may greet me with a meow. But if I reach out to pet her, she sometimes bites. Not a playful nip or love-bite but an all-out bite that causes me to say, “Ouch.” Fortunately, she doesn’t break my skin.

She bites my husband too, but he gets the love-bites. Not the “ouch” kind. But she doesn’t show him the love and affection she does me by kneading and snuggling.

How can such a lovable cat one moment turn on me several minutes later and morph into an attack cat? More research and more answers.

  • Cats become overstimulated and need time alone.

  • I may resemble an earlier owner who was abusive or neglectful.

  • Someone took her from her mama before she learned proper play-biting techniques.

Before my research, I thought I might resemble a former owner. But now I believe someone took her from her mama too soon.

The answer? We continue to bond. I put up with her cuddling in my lap while I read my Bible and save the writing in my journal for later in the morning. I’ve learned not to touch her if she’s resting.

Is there someone in your life who seems to be your friend one moment and your foe the next? What sparks their behavior to change? Maybe they’re overwhelmed and need to be alone or need an extra dose of love and kindness.

What helps you when you feel you’ve had enough? Walk outdoors? Read a book (perhaps God’s Word)? Listen to music? Or do you seek a kind word, a warm hug, or the reassuring voice of a close friend?

As I thought about my cat and how her affection toward me can change in an instant, I remembered times when I’ve snapped at someone I love. I don’t bite, but my tone hasn’t always been calm or sweet. There are moments I reach that point when I need alone time or an understanding hug. Although I strive to show kindness and love, I guess I’m a lot like my needy cat.

Dear children, let us not love with words or speech
but with actions and in truth.
1 John 3:18, NIV 

He Knows My Name

Has anyone called you by the wrong name? Perhaps someone you haven’t seen for awhile forgot it but gave it a shot. People often refer to me as “Leeann,” and occasionally they use other creative names for me.

During my senior year, I received a new name designed by a group of students who prepared a bulletin board we used in our classroom for half the day. I don’t remember the details, but in their hurry to get it finished, they left the last “n” off my name. I became known as “Luan.”

Earlier in high school, one boy named me “Ugly,” which felt like a slap in the face. He thought I was taking too much space at the chalkboard for our Algebra 2 math challenge. Funny thing is that when he saw me five years later, he approached me and tried out a couple of his best pick up lines. I must have made a huge transformation. (Sounds like an idea for another book!) I don’t think he remembered that we shared chalkboard space in school.

Whether someone refers to you by the wrong name, gives you a funny name, or calls you a hurtful name, remember that God knows your actual name.

I would not forget you!
See, I have written your name
on the palms of my hands.

Isaiah 49:15b-16a, NLT

He knows my name, and He knows yours. He loves us and has not forgotten us. How can He overlook us if He has our name engraved on His palm? We are ever before Him.

Be comforted in knowing that you are in His heart and mind, and He thinks of you often.

Blessings to you and your family as you celebrate the birth of our Savior.

Photo by Jon Tyson - Unsplash

Words of Encouragement

When I was a little girl and felt wounded over something that happened (usually because one of my big brothers teased me), Mom or Dad would rescue me. They invited me to crawl up into their laps, where I found solace as they wrapped their arms around me and spoke words of encouragement.

I often did the same for my children when they suffered trouble or mishaps. I’d call them to me, hold them in my arms, and pray for them.

God desires to do the same for us. Through His mercy, He calls us to Him to comfort us in our times of distress. He invites us to share that same encouragement with others who find themselves in difficult situations.

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort,
who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those
in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.

2 Corinthians 1:3-4, NIV

Comfort here means to encourage, pray, call near, or invite. In what ways do we find the comfort that we need to share with others?

When I’m filled with despair, worry, or concerns about things in my life, God invites me to read His Word where I find strength, peace, and encouragement. He calls me near as I pray and seek His answers to my questions. To rest in God’s love and His Word speaks to me. I can then share His love with others who need support through prayer and words of hope.

Often, I don’t feel worthy of His calling to comfort others. My words of encouragement may not always express what my heart longs to share. But I’m learning to push through that awkwardness and rely more upon the Lord and His reassurance to me as stated in this blessing.

May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father,
who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word.

2 Thessalonians 2:16-17, NIV

I’m being strengthened as I step out in faith to bless others through what I do and say. I receive this blessing from the Lord and will continue to do my best to offer words of encouragement to others. This blessing is for you too.

Photo by Niklas Veenhuis - Unsplash