
Align my Heart in 2022

For the past two years, I’ve selected a word and Bible verse to focus on for the new year. My reason for doing this is to grow deeper with the Lord and align my heart with His.

For 2021, my word was joy, and my verses were 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18.

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances;
for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus

Last year proved difficult with our move to Tennessee and buying a home. But in giving thanks in all circumstances, I wrote out something each day for which I was grateful. Gratitude for God’s blessings in my life brought an extra dose of joy to my heart.

For 2022, I’ve selected the word awareness. I desire to be aware of God’s presence in a greater way. I’ve selected Habakkuk 2:14 to remind me of my focus word. 

For as the waters fill the sea, the earth will be filled
with an awareness of the glory of the Lord

In following the Lord for many years, I’ve grown in my faith and trust His word to be true. But I also yearn to draw closer and develop a more intimate relationship with Him. I desire more of those special moments where I sense His nearness.

By faith, I believe the Holy Spirit watches over and guides me. But I need to better develop my spiritual listening skills and be sensitive to hearing the Lord when He speaks and follow His leading.

Have you experienced those moments with God when you know without a doubt that you’ve communicated with Him in a real and personal way? I’ve felt this closeness over the years, but I long for these moments to be a regular occurrence—just the Lord and me.

I hope to walk away from my prayer time and sense a greater connection to God. To experience His fullness and all He has for me.

I believe God desires this kind of relationship and plan to take the following four steps to draw closer to Him.

  • Continue to read His Word and write out verses that stand out to me but allow myself more time to meditate upon these verses and write them on my heart.

  • Focus on Bible studies and be more purposeful when I study. Ask the Lord what He wants to show me.

  • To not only pray, but to get alone with God and listen for Him to speak before I jump up and carry on my day.

  • Spend time in personal worship, lifting my voice to the Lord in song.

What would you add to my list to draw closer to God?

My hope for 2022 is to be more aware of the Lord’s presence as I continue to grow deeper with Him and align my heart with His.

Photo by Alice Donovan Rouse - Unsplash

A New Year Filled With Joy

I’m looking forward to a new year filled with joy. It’s a choice I’m choosing to make. A year filled with gratitude and prayer.

At the beginning of 2020, I selected the word “trust” as my “word of the year.” My verse was Philippians 4:6:

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation,
by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving,
present your requests to God

I read and quoted that scripture over and over during the past year. Not only because of Covid but also with the selling of our home—something I thought would take a week ended up taking over two months.

For 2021 my word is “joy,” and my verses are 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18:

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances;
for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus

There’s a common theme of always thanking God in my 2020 verse and for 2021. Joy and thanksgiving go hand in hand. To receive joy, I must have a grateful heart. In the past, I tried to incorporate an app-based gratitude journal but only kept it going for about a month. I purchased a planner a few weeks ago, and so far, it’s working for me. I’m using a section for words of thanksgiving each day.

My verse also includes prayer again this year. Prayer is an important part of my daily walk with Christ. There are many people who suffer deep sorrow and pain, and God has called me to pray for them. And when I do, joy fills my heart knowing I’m a part of something that pleases the Lord and benefits those in need.

By choosing joy, praying always, and giving thanks in all things, I’m following God’s will for my life. Although you may not have a “word of the year” or yours may differ from mine, I pray you’re looking forward to a new year filled with joy too.

God With Us

This week we celebrate the miracle of Christ’s birth. Our hope for eternity—God with us.

The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel (which means “God with us”).

Matthew 1:23, NIV

Christ came to deliver us from our sin and offer us eternal life with Him. No greater gift can we receive. No greater love can be shown.

In thinking about the greatest gift I’ve received, not counting eternal life with Christ, I’d have to say my family. From my parents and siblings to my husband, three children and their spouses, and my three grandchildren. I treasure these gifts and am grateful.

I’ve contemplated what my life would look like if I hadn’t followed Christ. My husband, if I married, would have been someone else, which would have affected everything in my life. I imagine it would have been a life of wandering, searching for truth, enduring loneliness, and living in hopelessness.

But with Christ—God with us—I’ve found peace, joy, hope, and love. He came for those very reasons. He supplies my needs and holds me in His arms.

What greater love than the gift of life—eternal life with Christ?

The first verse I committed to memory after receiving Christ into my life was Joshua 1:9. Why this verse? Because Satan tried to steal my peace, joy, hope, and love with his lies and fear. I needed to know that the Lord was with me always, and the eternal life I received from Him was mine to keep.

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.

God offers to deliver us from our sin and give us an eternal hope when we believe and follow Him. He will be with us every step of the way.

If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.

Romans 10:9-10, NIV

What a wonderful gift from our Lord! Have you received eternal life in Christ? Make this your best Christmas and put your hope in Immanuel—God with us.

Merry Christmas!

Photo by Phil Hearing - Unsplash

Hit Hard

Have you ever been hit hard with something you weren’t at all expecting? Terrible news of some sort you never thought would affect you or those you love? Perhaps the unexpected death of a loved one, divorce of a family member, a personal job loss, a tragic accident, or an unforeseen diagnosis?

Even in those times, God is working on our behalf and will never leave us. He’s our hope and help. He comforts us when we’re weary, provides peace when we’re stressed, and gives us joy in our sorrow.

My husband and I went on a hike two weeks ago and returned home to devastating news. We notified family and friends and called upon them to pray over this situation. Their support and understanding brought comfort to our troubled hearts.

Two days later, during my quiet time with the Lord, I read Romans Chapter 8. When I finished, I reread verse 28.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

I said, “Yes, Lord. You are working for our good in this circumstance, and I thank You.”

Within a few hours, another hit came, which made what happened earlier even more devastating. That’s when Romans 8:26-27 came to life as I cried out to the Lord.

In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.

Later that day, my husband quoted Romans 8:28 unaware I’d read that same scripture twice that morning. And that evening, as we streamed our mid-week service, our pastor shared the same verse. God was speaking to my heart and telling me that He was in control and working, even though I felt uncertain. How do I know this? His Word declares it. I love Him and He has called me, so He is working for good in my life and in others affected by this news.

Be encouraged knowing that even in our struggles, God is with us. He works even when we can’t see what He is doing. That’s where faith comes in. Faith to believe God is at work in our situation to fulfill his purpose in us.

We walk in faith and hope knowing God is at work. Even when we’re hit hard, He is with us because the Holy Spirit is in us. The Spirit pleads for me and He pleads for you. If you are struggling or hurting, please know God is working in all things.

Father, many of us have been hit hard with trials. But You, Lord, are at work in each of our situations and for this I thank You. I’m also grateful for the Holy Spirit who pleads for my needs according to Your will. I love you, Lord, and thank you for loving me. In Jesus’s name. Amen.

All scripture is from the New International Version (NIV).

Photo by Aliyah Jamous - Unsplash